10 Moves to Feel Safe in The Car: The Women's Defense Decalogue

From advice on where to park the straight to make it appear that there is a man in the car: the straight of self-defense instructors for those traveling alone

Traveling by car alone is a necessity for many women even before a pleasure. But it can become a source of fear and insecurity, especially if you travel at night and in the big cities. How to avoid unpleasant encounters and defend themselves from the threat of violence? Here the Decalogue guiding the course of women's anti-aggression defense Method Woman ® .
1. Always ride with the doors locked from the inside.
2. Park always as close as possible to the place of destination, and choose lit and crowded.
3. Leave the car some element believe that it is the male presence (eg a tie in the back seat, a fan of gadgets, a sticker, a men's magazine).
4. Do not EVER give steps to strangers or people you know recently.
5. Always do a full tank during the day so as to avoid having to get gas in the evening at a self-service, however, try to always have a nearly full tank.
6. If someone follows you drive, use the phone to communicate it to a friend or call 000 depending on the seriousness of the situation.
7. If you can not make calls, stopped in a crowded area (eg an intersection) to present for help without getting out.
8. If you feel followed, do not go home (your followers so he would know where you live) but driving up to the police station or hospital.
9. Before you climb in the car, check if there is someone from outside inside, even in the space between the rear seats.
10. If you are forced under threat of an attacker, trying to lure in any way the attention of passers-by and motorists, even slightly dabbing a car stopped at traffic lights.
