Reviews you can make to the car yourself

Reviews you can make to the car yourself
Road safety depends on many factors, but some of these are in the hands of drivers such as keeping the car in optimal mechanical conditions. While it is advisable to always carry the car to a specialist to do the periodic reviews that the manufacturer makes, there are some that we can perform ourselves without complications and that will help us keep our car in good condition for longer and provide us with more safety .
From CSR Windscreens we will talk about how you can learn to check yourself some aspects of the correct operation of your car.

Details to check

While the DGT gives us some tips to take care of our car in its magazine Traffic and Road Safety, here are some additional points of every vehicle that is recommended to check periodically but above all before taking a long road trip.
Car Liquids: It is very important to maintain the correct oil levels so that the internal engine mechanisms have the friction they need and do not over-work, which could cause irreparable long-term damage. Also check the fluid level of the wiper, coolant and of course the brake fluid to help avoid excessive pressure when braking, sometimes due to a leak or worn brake pads. When the brake pads are worn out, you can hear a sort of squeal when braking.
Tire pressure: It is recommended to monitor tire pressure preferably every 15 days and that the tire tread depth is at least 1.6 mm , but it is always advisable not to lower the tire by 2 mm for safety reasons. However, each manufacturer has its own recommendations for tire care, so it is important to know the tire manufacturer's recommendations to make sure that we keep them in good condition.
Seat belts and SRI: Seat belts are the big forgotten, but in reality they are vital elements in case of accident. We should check the anchors and wear the fabric. In addition to this if we use a child restraint system (SRI) we must also check that it is correctly placed and secured with the seat belt.
Car lights: That all the car lights work correctly is fundamental both to see and to be seen, but also it is forbidden to circulate along the way with a broken car headlight or fused light bulb, in fact this is cause for fine, for We must constantly check that all the lights of the car are working properly, with priority of the brake lights, position lights, crossovers, high beam and fog lamps.
Windscreen wiper blades are other elements that we tend to pay little attention and that if we do not take them in good conditions we can see ourselves in serious difficulties of vision in the face of a strong storm, so it is advisable to periodically review them and change them if necessary manufacturers Recommend replacing them every 15,000 km or one year.
Vehicle moons : The moons of the car in addition to providing visibility, protect us from external agents and at the same time protect us in the event of an accident. That is why it is recommended to check the good condition of the same from time to time. In CSR Windscreen accounts with the help of the best professionals to make changes or repairs to the moons of your car. 
